
  邱麗珠 理事長

中華民國基礎神經科學學會(Neuroscience Society of Taiwan, NST)自1992年成立,成立至今已有26多年,在過去12任理事長與台灣神經科學界前輩們努力下,已經成為台灣引領基礎神經科學研究的一個重要學會。本人和陳易宏教授於去年初自孫以翰理事長與陳儀莊秘書長接棒,深感榮耀及責任重大。學會以促進台灣神經科學家在國內與國際間的互動交流為重點推動項目,每年的學會年會和美國神經科學年會(Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, SFN2018)舉行Taiwan Night是學會的年度大事。


今年的年會,我們獲得腦科學專案研究計畫(腦趴)主持人華瑜與孫以瀚教授的大力支持,與腦趴聯合舉辦, 9月29,30日(兩天一夜)於國立成功大學新生科大樓舉行,這要特別感謝學會的理事,成大生命科院簡伯武院長及生命科學系曾淑芬主任慷慨鼎力協助,安排場地事宜。感謝各位會員的熱情參與,踴躍報名,目前報名人數達144人,遠遠超過原訂100人的目標,也打破歷次腦趴報名參與人數紀錄。目前我們共收到高達53個壁報發表,充分讓口頭簡介(research blitz)三個時段擠爆。期盼大家可以進一步在壁報發表時段,有充分時間討論,腦力激盪,進行學術交流。


NST 2018年會流程 Meeting Schedule

29 Sept 2018 (Saturday)

13:00-13:30 Registration
13:30-13:45 Opening Remarks
13:45-14:30 Oral Blitz (I)

Session Chair: 清大系神所焦傳金

Prof Chuan-Chin Chiao, Institute of Systems Neuroscience, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

14:30-15:30 Poster Presentation (I) /Coffee Break
15:30-16:30 Plenary Speech

Title: Conditions for the emergence of Hebbian plasticity in striatum

Prof Laurent Venance

Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology,

College de France, Paris

Session Chair: 台大腦心所邱麗珠 Prof Lih-Chu Chiou,
Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan University

16:30-17:15 NST Members’ Meeting
17:15-18:00 Oral Blitz (II)

Session Chair: 長庚生醫所陳景宗

Prof Jin-Chung Chen, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taiwan

18:00-19:00 Dinner
19:00-20:00 Poster Presentation (II)
20:00-21:00 New PI Colloquium

Session Chair: 中研生醫所陳志成

Prof Chih-Cheng Chen, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan


20:00-20:15 1.     Title: Naughty or nice: aggression circuits inhibit allogrooming in mice

清大系神所郭崇涵 Dr Tsung-Han Kuo, Institute of Systems Neuroscience, National Tsing Hua University



2.     Title: Exploring movement disorders with electrophysiological approaches

台大醫學院潘明楷 Dr Ming-Kai Pan, Medical Research Department, National Taiwan University Hospital



3.     Title: In vivo electrophysiological recording for the study of time
perception in rodent models and color cognition in avian models 台大獸醫所蕭逸澤 Dr Yi-Tse Hsiao, School of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University
20:45-21:00 4.     Title: Gut microbiota regulate social behavior via stress response pathways in the
brain 成大生理所吳偉立 Dr Wei-Li Wu, Department of Physiology, National Cheng Kung University
21:00 Hotel Check-in, Good Night!


30 Sept 2018 (Sunday)

09:00-09:15 Hotel Check-out, Good Morning!
09:15-10:00 Oral Blitz (III)

Session Chair: 陽明神研所連正章

Prof Cheng-Chang Lien, Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang Ming
University, Taiwan

10:00-11:00 Poster Presentation (III) /Coffee Break
11:00-12:00 Plenary Speech

Title: The Importance of Activity-Dependent Events in the Brain

Prof Moses Chao

Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, USA

Session Chair: 中研院分生所簡正鼎

Prof Cheng-Ting Chien, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica,

12:15-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 New PI Workshop 

Session Chair: 成大基醫所許桂森

Prof Kuei-Sen Hsu, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

13:30-13:50 1.     Title: The interaction between the neural circuits for appetite and for reward

台大腦心所姚皓傑 Dr Hau-Jie Yau, Graduate Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan University

13:50-14:10 2.     Title: Neurophysiology Reimagined

陽明神研所林士傑 Prof Shih-Chieh Lin, Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang Ming University

14:10-14:30 3.     Title: MRI Developments for Biomedical Applications

中研生醫所黃聖言 Dr Dennis W Hwang, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica

14:30 Good Bye!

Oral Blitz & Poster (I) [29 Sept, 13:45-14:30 (Oral), 14:30-15:30

No Name Institution Title
Session Chair: 焦傳金老師
Oral 1-3
(9 minutes)
邱麗珠 台灣大學醫學院 A novel pharmacotherapy for neuropsychiatric disorders:  GABA-A receptor subtype-selective
Poster 1 李欣蓉 Positively modulating cerebellar 6 subunit-containing GABA-A receptors is beneficial for
schizophrenia treatment- animal studies
Poster 2 曾泓叡 An unprecedented role of trigeminal α6GABA-A receptors in migraine
Poster 3 李鳴達 Electroacupuncture induces analgesia and reverses morphine tolerance via orexin-initiated
endocannabinoid disinhibition in the periaqueductal gray
Oral 4
(3 minutes)/
Poster 4
陳志成 中央研究院 Somatosensory neuron regeneration and neuropathic pain
Oral 5-6
(6 minutes)/
Poster 5
紀瀚雄 (代表嚴震東) 國立台灣大學 Visualize Nociceptor Changes in Mice with Chronic Constriction Injury Model
Poster 6 李志昌 Longitudinal in vivo imaging of degeneration, sprouting, and regeneration of free nerve
endings and nerve fibers in the toes of spared nerve injured mice
Oral 7

(3 minutes)

陳景宗 長庚大學
Poster 7 吳庭妤 Explore the role of prefrontal-VTA neural circuitry in methamphetamine extinction
Oral 8
(3 minutes)/
Poster 8
林雅婷 (代表陳景宗) Activation of NPFFR2 leads to hyperalgesia through the spinal inflammatory mediator CGRP in


Oral 9
(3 minutes)
陳易宏 中國醫藥大學
Poster 9 鍾欣怡 Acupuncture reduces bile acid-induced itch in mice
Oral 10
(3 minutes)/
Poster 10
周寧 中國醫藥大學 Molecular mechanisms underlying electrophysiological changes during spreading
Oral 11
(3 minutes)
陳德祐 國立成功大學 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory under Anesthesia
Poster 11 蕭翔允 The Role of Hippocampus and Amygdala in The Learning of Inhibitory Avoidance Task under
Dexmedetomidine-Induced Anesthesia in Rats
Oral 12
(3 minutes)/
Poster 12
孫莉涵 (代表游一龍) 國立成功大學 The impact of the physiological status of social buffering and using airborne oxytocin as a
buffering substitute upon newly proliferated cell and proliferative neuroblasts in mouse dentate gyrus
Oral 13
(3 minutes)/
Poster 13
廖羿涵 (代表游一龍) A vicarious fear conditioning for mimicking the observational learning
Oral 14
(3 minutes)/
Poster 14
蔡昇峰 (代表郭余民) 國立成功大學 Downregulation of Glial Glutamate Transporters in the Hippocampus Contributes to the
Pathogenesis of Metabolic Disorder-Associated Depression
Oral 15
(3 minutes)/
Poster 15
呂文心 (代表黃怡萱) 中央研究院 Oral: Translational Control in Synaptic Plasticity and Memory
Poster: CPEB2 Activates GRASP1 mRNA Translation and Promotes AMPA Receptor Surface Expression,
Long-Term Potentiation, and Memory

Oral Blitz & Poster (II) [29 Sept, 17:15-18:00 (Oral), 19:00-20:00 (Poster)]

No Name Institution Title
Session Chair: 陳景宗老師
Oral 16-20
(15 minutes)
連正章 國立陽明大學
Poster 16 周則明 Interrogation of neural circuits underlying chronic migraine in an experimental mouse model
Poster 17 林昱伶 Perturbation of central amygdala neuron excitability reduces pain- & anxiety-like
Poster 18 Ajibola Musa Iyiola Differential release of glutamate and GABA onto dentate gyrus cells by the supramammillary
hippocampal nucleus
Poster 19 王凱誼 Differential regulation of anxiety ad memory formation by dentate mossy cells
Poster 20 Wahab Imam Abdulmajeed Hilar mossy cells mediate lamella-specific innervation along the hippocampal long axis
Oral 21-23
(6 minutes)
黃智偉 佛光大學 Posttraumatic stress disorder in animal model
  黃智偉 The paradoxical effect hypothesis of abused drugs
Poster 21 林有上 Environmental enrichment alters fear behavior in mice of posttraumatic stress disorder:
motor activity vs housing style
Poster 22 盧裕壬 Footshock enhances conditioned place preference induced by morphine in rats
Poster 23 歐貞吟 The paradoxical effect hypothesis of abused drugs: Testing morphine’s reward and aversion
Oral 24-26
(9 minutes)
陳慧諴 國家衛生研究院
Poster 24 李美儀 Betaine reduces the motivation to self-administer ketamine and prevents reinstatement of
ketamine-seeking behavior in rats
Poster 25 謝崇斌 Modulation of NMDA Receptor Glycine Binding Site Prevents Acute Toluene-induced Impairments
in Recognition Memory and Hippocampal Long-term Potentiation
Poster 26 黃婕敏 N, N-methyl glycine derivatives reduces chronic post‐ischemia pain in mice
Oral 27

(3 minutes)/ Poster 27

林志立 中山醫學大學 Insulin Signalling may be involved in α-synuclein-induced neurotoicity
Oral 28
(3 minutes)/
Poster 28
詹銘煥 政治大學 Effects of N-methylated derivatives of glycine on recombinant NMDA receptors expressed in
HEK293 cells
Oral 29-33 (3 minutes only, will present together in 1 slot)/
Poster 29
Pavithra Suresh (代表劉怡均) 慈濟大學 The Role of protein citrullination in development of pathological hallmarks in Alzheimer’s
disease mouse model
Poster 30 Sarayut Phasuk The role of Peroxyredoxin6 in formation of trace fear memory
Poster 31 梁紹峯 Association of autistic behavior of the Cav3.2 knockout mice and GABA-related molecules
Poster 32 Peeraporn Varinthra The compound E411 suppresses expression of inflammatory cytokines in amyloid beta oligomer
treated ARPE-19 cells
Poster 33 Tanita Pairojana The Effect of Centella Asiatica Extract on Memory Formation in Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse

Poster only (Presentation slot: 29 Sept, 1900-2000)

Poster 48 廖柏喻 國立臺灣大學 Light modulates social behavior in mice through ipRGCs and oxytocin
Poster 49 李亦騏 Transcriptome analysis of environmental light modulated intestinal metabolic pathway
Poster 50 盧從浩 Light regulates gut microbiome composition and rhythmicity through ipRGCs
Poster 51 沈久倫 Labeling the Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Neurons in Neuropathic Pain Mouse Model
Poster 52 劉家瑋 (代表謝宜蕙) 國立中央大學 A nonlinear approach to musical timbre processing using ensemble empirical mode
Poster 53 熊明珩 (代表胡書榕) 國立成功大學 Involvement of different signaling pathways in mouse hippocampus in the modulatory effects
of rottlerin and MK-801 on inhibitory avoidance memory

Oral Blitz & Poster (III) [30 Sept, 09:15-10:00 (Oral), 10:00-11:00 (Poster)]

No Name Institution Title
Session Chair: 連正章老師
Oral 34
(3 minutes)
焦傳金 國立清華大學 Activity dependent axon regeneration of retinal ganglion cells
Poster 34 林晉億 Blue light promotes neurite outgrowth of retinal explants in postnatal ChR2 mice
Oral 35-36
(6 minutes)
蔡金吾 國立陽明大學
Poster 35 劉臻 The Functions of a Novel Forkhead Box Domain Protein in Neural Development and Its Role in Focal Cortical Dysplasia.
Poster 36 鄭皓元 The role of a novel BICD2 mutation K775X in brain development and lissencephaly
Oral 37
(3 minutes)/
Poster 37
葉佳瑜 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Mossy cell regulates neural stem cell activity through the balance between direct and indirect pathways
Oral 38
(3 minutes)/
Poster 38
黃奕傑 (代表陳摘文、林貝容) 國立陽明大學 Oral: Observing the cellular mechanism of brain oscillations using fluorescent voltage indicator

Poster: Analyzing the factors that determine the quality of in vivo voltage imaging

Oral 39-43
(15 minutes)
羅中泉 國立清華大學 From fruit fly brains to integrative AI — Decoding the computational principles of the tiny insect brains.
Poster 39 韓睿 Short-term spatial memory and cognitive manipulate process in untrained Drosophila Melanogaster
Poster 40 黃宣霈 How does a fruit fly maintain its spatial orientation? — A neural circuit model of the central comple
Poster 41 Alexander White Reducing Numerical Simulation Complexity of Morphologically Detailed Drosophila Neurons.
Poster 42 劉沛弦 Diverse Dynamics in Small Networks: A Case Study pf Coupled Recurrent Circuits
Poster 43 強敬哲 Identifying neurons among different individual brains
Oral 44
(3 minutes)/
Poster 44
曾淑芬 國立成功大學 Extrinsic and intrinsic molecules in the regulation of oligodendrocyte maturation
Oral 45
(3 minutes)
陳珮君 國立成功大學醫學院
Poster 45 郭宜盈 Effects of KATP channel blocker on metabolism-induced mood disorder
Oral 46
(3 minutes)/ Poster 46
吳東川 中國醫藥大學 The enhanced desensitization of Glycine receptor links to human startle disease
Oral 47 (3 minutes)/ Poster 47 張邵涵  (代表徐百川) 中央研究院 The Temporal Profiling of Traumatic Stress Related Fear Memory Retrieval by Electroencephalography (EEG) in a Rat Model of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder