在現今醫療科技進歩神速的年代, 腦神經科學與生物醫藥的進展也是日新月異, 在國家生技醫療產業策進會與清大創新育成中心支持下
清大衍生新創生奕科技(BioPro Sci.)將於2020台灣醫療科技展(12/3-12/6)中舉辦一場研討會–以創新科技探索腦科學與生物醫學, 邀請相關領域學者們來分享/交流/討論, 研討會議程請詳參附檔海報,誠摯邀請對如何以創新科技加速腦科學與生物醫學研發有興趣的學界先進/同學們參與盛會,促進多方交流與腦力激盪。

時間 : 12/5 (六) 13:00-17:30

地點 : 台北南港展覽館一館 501會議室

報名 : 免費 (限額60名), 報名截止日:11/6



Invitation to the BioPro Workshop on Discovering Brain Science and BioMedincine with Innovative Technologies    

The development of novel medicine relies very much on advances in both life science and technologies. In particular, novel treatments to many neural disorders eagerly demand for groundbreaking understanding of how the brain functions. This workshop focuses on the latest discovery in brain science and biomedicine with innovative technologies. The challenges for further advancing the knowledge in life science, as well as the missing technologies for accelerating brain science and biomedicine, will be discussed. 

Time : 12/5 (Sat.) 13:00-17:30

Venue :  Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, 501R

Fee : FREE (Limited to 60), Registration before:11/22 (Sun.)

Registration on-line:https://forms.gle/VCPW7zvemqHZ6WUg9    

Survey for Neuroscience Researcherhttps://forms.gle/5pdNQ1kmULKLt78X7