
敬邀各位會員與神經科學同好們,參加 2021台灣神經科學學會的線上年會。會議將于94-5日,於網路世界WebEX and Gather town舉行。請會員們先繳交2021年年費https://neuroscience.org.tw/shop後,在到2021年會網頁報名https://annual.neuroscience.org.tw/報名89日到820日。繳交檔案時間814日到820日。因年會網頁首頁及繳交檔案功能的建構還不完全,所以繳交檔案時間會晚一點,但大家可以先報名做好準備。

抱歉這麼遲才開放報名,本想帶大家再回南台灣成功大學一享美食及熱情,但計畫終究得考慮防疫政策及大家的健康,全線上舉辦年會也是因應疫情而誕生的,就連防疫模範生的我們,也必須學著與病毒帶來的新生活方式共存,並要學得精彩及活出樂趣!所以全體理監事們,誠摯邀請您和我們一起來個全新的年會體驗!為了延續學會近年來受大家歡迎的oral blitz + poster discussion (口頭簡報+海報討論),將把三分鐘口頭簡報的集結以預錄方式在WebEX播放,並開放線上投票選出演講精彩的講者,緊接著海報討論在Gather town虛擬世界舉行,大家可以與多個不同海報展示者討論,進行腦力激盪,名額有限(40人,老師,學生,博後,助理皆可報名)還請儘早報名。大家也可與舊雨新知們在虛擬休息室及咖啡間進行學術交流,我們也正邀請廠商來介紹其技術及產品。此外本屆年會的重頭戲是我們邀請到14位傑出的學者們於WebEX進行演講及QA答問,其中有在台灣深耕多年的資深派學者,精耕多年的青壯派學者,還有新進的潛力派學者,研究內容包含神經科學的各個面向 (會議議程https://annual.neuroscience.org.tw/program),精彩可期,請您千萬不要錯過。為了鼓勵學生會員們踴躍參與,50名繳交會費完成報名的學生,我們在會議結束後,會贈送MyCard電子禮券150元。



台灣基礎神經學會理事長  黃怡萱

台灣基礎神經學會秘書長  周申如

台灣基礎神經學會助理秘書 許育瑄

Dear TNS members:

Hope you are doing well. We invite you to participate in the virtual 2021 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society of Neuroscience (TNS). The conference will be held on September 4-5 at WebEX and Gather town. Please register and pay for 2021 membership first (https://neuroscience.org.tw/shop) and then register and/or submit your abstract/ppt file at the website https://annual.neuroscience.org.tw/the registration is from Aug 9- Aug 20, 2021. However, because the TNS2021 (https://annual.neuroscience.org.tw/) website is still under construction, so the submission of abstract and ppt file is from Aug 14- Aug 20, 2021. Please get your abstract and ppt file ready and submit them later. We apologize for some websites that may not be expressed with English. Please ask your colleagues for help or contact us.

We are sorry for the late announcement of TNS 2021 meeting. Finally, we had to change the original plan and see you online in response to the pandemic situation. We must learn to adapt the new lifestyle brought by SARS-CoV2 and we sincerely invite you to join us and have brand new conference experience! To keep the popular tradition (i.e., oral blitz + poster discussion), the collective 3-min oral blitzes will be pre-recorded and broadcast on WebEX. We will let the audiences to select excellent presenters. The following poster discussion will be held in the virtual world of Gather town, where everyone can discuss and brainstorm with others. There are only 40 slots, so please register ASAP. You can also have academic exchanges with old friends and new acquaintances in virtual lounges and coffee rooms. We are also inviting vendors to have exhibitions. In addition, the highlight of this meeting is that 14 outstanding scholars will give lectures and Q&A on WebEX. Please check the scientific program at the website (https://annual.neuroscience.org.tw/program). To encourage student members to register the meeting, we will give MyCard electronic gift voucher (150 dollars) to the first 50 student members who have paid the membership fee and registered the meeting. The e-gift voucher will be E-mailed to you after the meeting.

The enthusiastic participation of all members can ensure the success and sustainable operation of the TNS Annual Meeting. We sincerely invite you to come and participate in this wonderful academic feast of neuroscience!


President, Taiwan Neuroscience Society, Yi-Shuian Huang, Ph.D.

Secretary General, Taiwan Neuroscience Society, Shen-Ju Chou, Ph.D.

Assistant, Taiwan Neuroscience Society, Yu-Hsuan (Shannon) Hsu

