想念台灣之夜的活動嗎?每次到SfN (美國版的,非台版的)都一定要參加的活動!在這裡可以與老友敘舊及認識新的朋友,想找工作的(從美到台或從台到美)也一定要來這邊詢問,瞭解一下台美各單位的研究及招攬人才現況。因疫情的關係停辦了兩年後,我們將於今年11月14日(星期一,7-9 pm)在San Diego Thorn Brewing (Beer & Chinese takeout) 舉辦實體,及Gather Town舉辦線上(台美連線, 11/14, 10-11 pm 加州時間, 11/15, 1-2 pm 台北時間)的活動。若您的研究單位需要延攬人才,想來台灣之夜(實體及線上皆可)說明一下,請盡早告知,我們可以安排您介紹3-5分鐘,也歡迎您來Taiwan Night @Gather Town線上擺攤,直到11月底,這樣您可以與有意願回來台灣工作者,先在線上多多互動瞭解。按照慣例,請先報名好讓我們掌控大約人數,參加實體聚餐者,會在當天現場酌收10元美金。報名截止日期:10月31日
活動網址:Taiwan Night 2022 on Strikingly (mystrikingly.com)
報名網址:台灣之夜報名表 Taiwan Night Application (google.com)
Dear TNS members:
Do you miss Taiwan Night? After stopping this activity for 2 years, we will start again on Nov 14, with both on-site and online formats. If you are going to SfN (US version) this year, you should come to Taiwan Night and have beer and Chinese food with new and old friends. If you prefer to eat alone or you are in Taiwan, please also join us online at GatherTown. Please register first, so we can know about the approximate number of attendees ahead. The deadline for registration is 10/31/2022.
Taiwan Night website: Taiwan Night 2022 on Strikingly (mystrikingly.com)
Registration website: 台灣之夜報名表 Taiwan Night Application (google.com)